In a chilling incident, a 70-year-old man in Rajasthan's Jodhpur picked up his business partner's two children, allegedly killed them, and hanged their bodies in a bangle factory in retaliation for their father's betrayal, according to police, quoted by PTI.
The incident took place in Boranada, and the children's bodies were found on Sunday, two days after they were reported missing by their family.
Before this match, India will take on Japan in their second match of the tournament and Pakistan will clash with South Korea at the same venue.
Ammad Butt is leading the Pakistan hockey team with goalkeeper Ishtiag Abdullah Khan. Jungjun Lee is leading the Korean side and Taeseok Min is the coach. Jaehan Kim is their goalkeeper.
DCP (West) Rajarshi Raj Verma told news agency PTI that 70-year-old Shyam Singh Bhati of Phalodi in Rajasthan had started a bangle factory nine months ago in partnership with Pradeep Devasai, a bangle artisan from Uttar Pradesh. Devasai had left the partnership due to some personal reasons. They both knew each other for about 20 years.
According to preliminary investigation, Bhati had invested money in the bangle factory, while Devasai worked there as a craftsman. Due to some disagreements, Devasai ended the partnership, resulting in financial losses to Bhati.
"This led to Bhati harbouring resentment against Devasai's family and wanting to teach him a lesson. Seizing an opportunity, Bhati murdered Devasai's two children. Their bodies were found in his (Bhati's) rented house near his factory," Verma told PTI.
Devasai's family originally hails from Uttar Pradesh.
According to police, Tamanna, alias Tannu (12), and Shivpal (8) had left home on Friday for their school but never returned. Their family searched for them and eventually filed a report at the Boranada police station on Saturday. The two children studied in a school in Pal.
Police said Two days ago, Bhati picked up the children from the school under the pretext of dropping them home but took them to his house near the bangle factory, which is located in the vicinity of the Jain Temple in Boranada. He killed them there and hanged their bodies.
"Bhati is abscondinglodibet, and a search has been initiated to nab him. In the note found at the crime scene, Bhati has written his partner had "betrayed" him, which is why he also wanted to take his own life," DCP added.